I know some of the teams have still been dealing with Covid issues, but for the most part I think its been a good season for College Basketball. Type C:\Windows\Explorer.exe and then click 'OK'. Windows activation key for Windows Vista Home Basic Hi, I had purchased a laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic pre-installed and there was a Windows Product Key given on the back of the laptop. Open Internet Explorer, and then click 'File' 'Open'. Select 'Access your computer with reduced functionality'. If you aren't locked out, skip to the next step. Well its that time of the year again, Its March Madness. Perform the following actions if you're locked out by the activation timer. 2021 - 2022 NCAA March Madness Bracket Challenge - Open to all - GG's Included Water Cooler.I have a problem with any Windows 10/11 PC on our network when our internet goes offline.(FYI Our company is located in a farming/rural aria where internet is not stable)The PC's (all 75 of them) will not see or access any PC/Servers via Names on the net. When internet is offline windows 10/11 cant see local LAN PC Names but only IP's Windows.When dealing with RDP, and restricting it to specific monitors instead of all monitors, everything I have read indicates you get the monitor numbers by using the MSTSC / command.however I see situations where these numbers change because of changing doc. using RDP on multiple monitors: what are the monitor IDs listed in MSTSC /l Windows.I would hate for you to show up late for work This weekend (for those of you that observe Daylight Saving’s Time). Spring is just around the corner! With that Said, don’t forget to spring ahead Spark! Pro series – 11th March 2022 Spiceworks Originals.